Страни студенти са знањем српског језика, заинтересовани за студирање на Универзитету у Новом Саду (УНС), на располагању имају два основна вида мобилности:
- Целокупне студије
- Размену
За упис на целокупне студије потребно је информисати се о процедурама уписа страних студената на нивоу факултета УНС-а. Путем директног контакта са студентском службом факултета, на којем се одвија жељени студијски програм, добијају се детаљне информације о периоду уписа, потребној документацији и цени студирања.
За краће студијске боравке, односно размену од једног или два семестра, страни студенти на располагању имају актуелне конкурсе у оквиру програма мобилности УНС-а. Неопходан услов је одговарајући формални оквир сарадње између њихове матичне институције и УНС-а (нпр. учешће у универзитетским мрежама попут Erasmus Mundus-а, Ceepus-а или Campus Europae, или Еразмус+ међу-институционални споразум).
International students interested in studying at the University of Novi Sad (UNS) have two main of mobility options:
- Full degrees
- Student exchange
International degree-seeking students should consult pdf. Degree seeking Info for further information on contacts at Faculties who are going to provide details on procedures of enrolment, required documentation, as well as the cost of a desired study programme.
International exchange students have a variety of possibilities to study at UNS for one or two semesters, since the University of Novi Sad is actively involved in international projects and networks, as well as bilateral agreements with numerous universities from abroad. Students can apply for an exchange between their home university and the University of Novi Sad within open competitions of the formal exchange programmes such as Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Erasmus+ programme, CEEPUS, etc. Within these programmes, international students are exempt from paying tuition fees and receive, if needed, adequate linguistic support at our Faculty of Philosophy and its Center for Serbian as a Foreign Language: http://www.srpski-strani.com/index_eng.php.
All Faculties of the University of Novi Sad are open to international students. The majority of our study programmes are delivered in the Serbian language. However, we draw your attention to certain specificities of the University of Novi Sad that are important for our success in the realisation of student exchanges so far:
Our Faculty of Medicine has study programes in Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy running in parallel in the English language. Please visit: http://www.mf.uns.ac.rs/en/index.php;
Our Faculty of Technical Sciences has accredited all its study programmes for teaching in English, whereas our Faculty of Sciences did the same with its PhD programme in Computer Science;
Every learning agreement made by an international student applying for an exchange period at any faculty of the University of Novi Sad will be considered. This means that there is a possibility that the exchange period can be granted to the student through consultations, literature and exams in English.
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